Lottie the saboteur

My kitty Lottie shows the nice attitude of a saboteur. Every time I got something to do she arrives. If I’m reading the newspaper, she comes around and, at the first occasion, she sits exactly in the middle of the article I was interested in. When I’m sitting at my computer, she comes around trying to have a nice stroll over the keyboard (she’s doing that just right now!) or showing a deep interest in what the screen shows. If I’m knitting, she’s in a desperate need of sitting on my lap. If I’m drawing, she can’t help but pass in review each and every item on the table  playing with my pencil and lie down comfortably on my drawing paper. When I want to take a shower, she’s nailed outside the bathroom door. If I want to sleep, she’s full of energy and find her favorite woolen ball … then at the end when I got nothing to do and think it is  the right time to play around together, she is taking a nap! (and also refuses to open her eyes).

La mia gattina Lottie ha il tipico atteggiamento della sabotatrice. Ogni volta che io ho qualcosa da fare lei arriva. Se sto leggendo il giornale, mi gira attorno e finisce alla prima occasione col piazzarsi proprio sull’articolo che stavo leggendo. Quando sono seduta al mio computer, si presenta per tentare una bella passeggiata sulla tastiera (quello che sta facendo ora!)o mostra profondo interesse per quello che c’è sullo schermo. Se lavoro a maglia, ha un disperato bisogno di sedermisi in braccio. Se disegno, non può evitare di passare in rivista ogni oggetto sul tavolo giocando con la mia matita e sdraiandosi confortevolmente sul mio foglio da disegno. Quando voglio fare una doccia, lei è fissa fuori dalla porta del bagno. Se voglio dormire, lei è piena di energia e ritrova la sua pallina di lana preferita… poi alla fine, quando io non ho niente da fare e penso sia il momento giusto per giocare un po’insieme, si sta facendo un bel pisolino! (e rifiuta persino di aprire gli occhi).

About Ella V

I love old movies, rock music, books, art... I'm intrested in politics. I adore cats. I knit...

8 responses »

  1. Stacey says:

    This makes me miss having a cat SO much! Lol! Adorable. 🙂

  2. He’s ‘trying to help’ (no I don’t have a cat-but I can see the sentiment in his soulful orbs..)

  3. essentjewels says:

    Your cat sounds like my dog. I like to call her needy, but I would not have it any other way.

  4. So true!! Just last night my cat sat right in the middle of the skirt I was photographing for my blog post. Funny post. Love it.

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