Good to know”

Lisa Rowe

From: Girl, interrupted – 1999

While Brazil is hosting the Confederation Cup (a sort of appetizer of the FIFA World Cup that will take place in Brazil next year), the Country is shaken by a wave of protests. The sparkle was the rise in  public transport prices, but protester also blame (above all) the excessive cost of 2014 World Cup, the high level of corruption and the poor state of health and education services.

But it seems that now Mr Blatter (the president of FIFA, the International Federation of Association Football) has finally put everything in the right perspective. “Football is stronger than people’s dissatisfaction” he said.

Good to know.

Buono a sapersi”

Lisa Rowe

Da: Ragazze interrotte – 1999

Mentre il Brasile sta ospitando la Confedaration Cup (una specie di antipasto dei Mondiali di calcio del prossimo anno), il Paese è scosso da un’ondata di proteste. A fare da scintilla è stato l’aumento delle tariffe del trasporto pubblico, ma i manifestanti protestano anche (e soprattutto) per l’eccessivo costo dell’organizzazione dei Mondiali 2014, per l’alto livello di corruzione nel paese e per lo stato in cui versano sanità e istruzione pubblica.

Ma pare che ora Blatter (il presidente della FIFA) abbia finalmente rimesso tutto nella giusta prospettiva. “Il calcio è più forte dell’insoddisfazione popolare” ha detto.

Buono a sapersi.

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  1. JPF Goodman says:

    Just tweeted this post, resolving to share my favourite bloggers like that more often, and got rewarded with a lovely photo which I didn’t see here. Don’t know how it happened but I’m glad it did.

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