“A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down..”

Mary Poppins

From: Mary Poppins – 1964

I think I must thank the new Prime Minister, Mr Enrico Letta, but not just because he accepted that difficult task, succeeding in forming a new coalition government (that, among many other things, finally restores MrB’s honour and makes clear what a great, great politician he is and how he loves us). I must thank Mr Letta because recently I’ve been feeling down and had no hope in the future, but after his first address to the Parliament (a lot of good intentions and a good word for each and everyone) I feel once again like a teenage girl and now it seems that, out there, a new world is waiting for me. He talked like a member of the late Christian Democracy party (the centre-right party that practically ruled Italy, though not always alone, from 1946 to 1992. Mr Letta, now a member of the left party PD, started his political career in)…it was beautiful, it was just like when I was a little girl!

Con un poco di zucchero e la pillola va giù…”

Mary Poppins

Da: Mary Poppins – 1964

Credo di dover ringraziare il neo Presidente del Consiglio Enrico Letta e non solo per aver accettato il periglioso incarico ed esser finalmente riuscito a formare un governo di coalizione (che tra l’altro riabilita l’onorabilità e la grandiosa figura politica di quel grand’uomo di MrB, ingiuriato da troppo tempo). Lo devo ringraziare perché da un po’ di tempo mi sentivo un giù e vedevo tutto nero, ma lui, con il suo mirabolante discorso di oggi alla Camera (nel quale c’era una buona parola o un buon proposito per tutti) è riuscito a farmi sentire come una ragazzina con ancora tutto un mondo da scoprire lì ad aspettarla. Sembrava di sentire un vecchio Democristiano… è stato bellissimo, proprio come quando ero bambina!

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